Today is Spring Fling at Wesleyan, an annual event held after the end of regular classes. It appears to date back to 1975, when Brian Auger and the Oblivion Express and the John Payne Quartet played for crowds gathered on Foss Hill on a sunny day at the beginning of reading week. In the Argus on May 14, 1975, Mark Ellison wrote:
The experience of Monday afternoon’s concert on Foss Hill bears repeating at future dates. The music was of respectable quality, yet the source of the good time did not come from the stage. It emanated from the crowd itself, focussing on the absoluted contentedness of all those who lounged out on the Hill, taking advantage of the Sun King and music to partake in a lazy party like atmosphere with their friends.
Since at least 1977 this day of fun and sun has been called Spring Fling. Happy 30th birthday, Spring Fling!